90% of Belarusians Do Not Live Better in 2010, IISEPS

06.04.2010 18:56
Архив Редакция

As a result of a national opinion poll, conducted by the Independent Institute of Socio-Economic and Political Studies in March of this year, only 10% of Belarusians believe that their financial situation has improved over the first three months of this year. 60% of respondents indicate that their position has not changed, and the rest 30% indicate the worsening of their financial well-being.

According to the poll, Belarusians, who expect «the crisis deepening and growth of related issues», represent a quarter of respondents. The same number of respondents believe that «the country has begun to emerge from the crisis», but the largest group are «Belarusian realists» who suppose that «the crisis has already hit the bottom and it would not be worse» (38.3%), IISEPS reports.

Almost half of questions citizens (48%) in «more or totally» confident that this crisis «is the result of economic policy of the country’s leadership in recent years», while 62% believe that «Belarusian government has no considered program to overcome the crisis (however, over the half of them believe that «decisions are being taken under immediate circumstances»).

The data of March poll show that 68.3% of respondents do not believe that the authorities will be able to fulfill its promise to increase the country’s average salary to $ 500 in equivalent till the end of 2010.

However, 60% of Belarusians assess the realization of their life plans less than by 50%, at the present moment, almost one in five — less than by 25%. Over 35% of citizens think that «in order to make a successful career, young people should better go to another country».

Also, 22% of respondents called Germany as an example for Belarusian economic development and about 13% called USA.

Belarusians attitude to the authorities is ambivalent, IISEPS

According to the results of the poll, most respondents continue to have an ambivalent attitude to the order — existing in the country — and to the authorities.

Answering the question: «If the State has violated your rights, where you, firstly, ask for help?» Over a third of respondents answered «I defend by myself» and «it’s no sense to defend, the state will win anyway». At the same time, 16.4% of Belarusians are ready to apply to the presidential administration, and 12.8% — to the city or regional executive committee officials.

To the question: «Activities of «power vertical», created by the President, Alexander Lukashenko, in your opinion, brings more good or more harm to the country?» a third said «more harm», 41% supported «more good».

According to the poll, nearly one third of Belarusians thinks that the best way of governing is a «strong hand» (53.9% prefer democracy). 16.2% of respondents consider themselves as opponents of the current government, and 36.4% as supporters. Almost a half of questioned citizens believe that the overall situation in Belarus is developing in the right direction (35.6% suppose that in the wrong).

Answering the question: «If tomorrow there are the presidential elections held in Belarus, whom would you vote for?» 42.7% of citizens would give their votes to the actual President, that is almost ten times higher than the rating of his «nearest» rival from the opposition, Alexander Milinkevich (4.7%).

Belarusian society is geopolitically split in half, IISEPS

The data of national poll indicate that the Belarusian society, as a decade ago, remains divided, if not split on the «belorussian» and «eurobelarusian» in approximately equal proportions.

The number of Belarusians who are ready to choose the union with Russia, and the number of Belarusian, supporting EU membership, is 41.4% to 40.4% respectively, according to the poll. Answering the question: «Do you consider yourself closer to the Russians or Europeans?» almost three-quarters responded «to the Russians», and about 20% — «to the Europeans», explaining that, above all, by historical (49.5%), cultural (39.9%) and language (36.2%) reasons.

To the question: «Who, in your opinion, pose a threat for Belarus?» half of the respondents said that «nobody threatens Belarus». Evaluating the impact of the diplomatic conflict between Belarus and the United States that broke out in spring of 2008, the majority of questioned citizens (47.5%) believe that it is necessary to restore normal relations with the U.S. (only 19.1% say that it’s not necessary).

Responding to a question about who is to blame for the sharp conflict that broke out recently between Russia and Belarus according the oil supplies to Belarus, over 50% said «both sides equally» ( answer «Russian authorities»- less than a quarter).

Assessing agreement on customs duties, leading to a loss of 2.5 billion dollars, the majority of respondents (47.3%) consider such decisions as just from Russia’s side, which «is not obliged to sacrifice its economic interests for its ally» (the opposite response was given by 32.6%).

Regarding the conflict between the authorities and members of unregistered Union of Poles of Belarus, headed by Angelica Borys, which led to a sharp deterioration in relations with Poland, so, according to one-third of Belarusians respondents, both sides are to blame in the conflict, the second third could not answer, and a third split between supporters of one of the parties.

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