Belarus Estimated its Damage from Chernobyl Accident at $235 Billion

24.03.2011 13:16
Архив Редакция

The damage, caused by the Chernobyl disaster in Belarus, calculated for the 30-year period of its aftermath elimination, has been estimated at $235 billion. This information was published on Wednesday, March 23, on the basis of the materials of the department for elimination of the Chernobyl disaster aftermath of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Belarus.

As noted in the document, the largest share (81.6% or nearly $192 billion) of costs is associated with maintenance of the production and implementation of protective measures in the structure of general damages for the years 1986-2015.

The share of direct and indirect losses in the economy accounts for about $30 billion (12.6%).

Loss of profits in this department is estimated at $13.7 billion (5.8%). In this case, the Ministry of Emergency Situations has said that more than two thousand square kilometers of the country’s farmland were out of agricultural use, so were 22 deposits of mineral resources.

Moreover, territory of Pripyat oil and gas field, whose resources are estimated at 52.2 million tons of oil, was excluded from the exploration work, the document says.

About a quarter of the forest fund of Belarus (17.3 thousand square kilometers of forest) was contaminated, the document says. The area of ​​contamination covers about 340 industrial enterprises, which operating conditions have significantly worsened, or they’ve simply been closed down, reportes the ministry of emergency situations.

In addition, the document notes that the assessment of damage from the accident is not final.

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