Parliament not to Ratify Agreement on Customs Union at this Session

29.06.2010 12:27
Архив Редакция

The House of Representatives and Council of the Republic will hold on June, 30th a joint session on which consideration of the bill of ratification of the agreement on the Customs Union isn't scheduled.

This day MPs will hear the account of the First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko on operation of the industry and fuel and energy complex of the country. Then the members of the government will answer the questions of MPs, the press-service of the House of Representatives informed.

Also the MPs will consider some bills at the first reading.

Closing of the fourth session of the House of Representatives of National Assembly takes place on June, 30th.

Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan signed a number of agreements on customs regulation within the limits of the Customs Union in December, 2008. Since January, 1st, 2010 the common custom duties for three countries started to operate within the limits of the Customs Union, and since July, 1st the Customs code of three countries should come into force.

However coming into force of the tripartite document is disputed because of the requirement of Belarus to Russia to cancel export duties on oil and oil products. As a result Russia and Kazakhstan signed the contract on the Customs Code of the Customs Union on bilateral basis on May, 28th. They proposed to Minsk to join it later.

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