Proleskovsky Is Dissatisfied with "Informational Ejections" in Mass Media

04.05.2010 14:40
Архив Редакция

Belarusian Minister of Information, Oleg Proleskovsky, stated that today, "unfortunately, there are not very decent informational ejections from Russian mass media". In this regard, the head of Ministry of Information called on Belarusian mass media to be guided by "one of the main criteria — the highest responsibility" in their work.

«Our colleagues in Russia may not like it. But from time to time, when some problems arise in the economy, bilateral relationship, then there immediately appear issues in the sphere of information. Mass media is a weapon, a shaper of public opinion. In all negotiations, particularly with Russian colleagues, we are talking about the responsibility of journalism, we ask them to tell the truth, speak about the facts. But, unfortunately, many of the articles are quite contracted», BelTA quotes Belarusian Minister.

According to Oleg Proleskovsky, currently «everything develops rapidly» in mass media. «But the mobility, speed, reliability have been the motto of journalists and will remain it after 100 years. Another thing — what the position of journalism is. Now, responsibility is one of the main criteria and slogans in the journalists’ work», minister of information said.

However, the head of Information Ministry expressed satisfaction with the fact that Belarusian mass media also take care about social responsibility. «In our country, there are many activities and various projects such as the Year of quality, Year of the native land, and the forefront initiators and promoters of such ideas are TV channels and printed media», Oleg Proleskovsky noted.

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