The Deceit Became the State Ideology, Niaklajeu

02.04.2010 17:54
Архив Редакция

The famous Belarusian poet and one of the leaders of the civil campaign «Tell the truth!» Uladzimir Niaklajeu considers that the deceit is one of the authorities' tools. "There is so much deceit here, that we are already morally ill. The deceit became the state ideology", the Belarusian poet emphasized.

«Taking this into account, each of us makes a choice and acts in one or another way. It is possible to cope in a short term with economy, it is not so difficult. We just should stick to the rules of truth for which we struggle, and not to fool the others «, — Uladzimir Niaklajeu emphasized.

Talking about the civil campaign «Tell the truth!», the poet said that it is not the political campaign, and it is not connected with the progovernmental structures. «There is the Presidential Administration address on underside of post cards we distribute. That’s why some people consider, that it is a kind of craft or almost provocation. You understand that it cannot be so», the leader of the campaign declared, The Belarusian partisan informs.

Uladzimir Niaklajeu emphasized that campaign does not work for any political party. «Unfortunately, authorities have been trying to hummer into citizens’ heads that opposition are enemies, provokers, freelancers of the western capital. And they managed to this, that’s why people think nowadays that the opposition is almost the criminals. It is one of the reasons that the opposition has no rating in a society», the poet noticed.

«That second reason is that no essential victory has been achieved for 15 years of struggle for democracy in the country «, — Uladzimir Niaklajeu noted.

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